Looking for students of our class 289!

Good Thursday Morning Researchers!

I’m looking for some students in our class! If you have found our Blog, please comment below. If you talk to one of your classmates, please make sure they can accesss this blog at mscullen99.edublogs.org and the password is Playground. Please note capital P.

This is a private blog so you need the password to access it. I will be sending out by class dojo or snail mail your 902 #s and passwords this afternoon. You will be able to log into Clever and complete assignments that I post.

For now, I’m attaching a book about children around the world. Read this book today. There are activities to complete and videos to explore. When you finish, take the quiz on the last page.

Here’s the question of the day QOTD: In what country do they return to school after supper for more classes?

Happy Learning!

😉 MC
