Happy Tuesday Morning!

Hello! How are all of you doing in your new “homeschool”? Have you set up an area to work? If you haven’t that’s ok because today, we are going to organize your home “desk”.

All you need is an area where any younger brothers and sisters, pets, and even nosy older siblings won’t disturb you. It can be an actual desk or it could just be a section of a table, a corner of a room or even an old “box” for a portable desk (this is what I’d choose!)

When you receive your orange bag from Makowski, you can set up your things. There’s a Journey’s book, a whole bunch of packets and your math module. Take a look at each piece and put them in order. Order, what order?

You can follow our schedule at school:

Reading – Journey’s vol.2 and reader’s notebook copies

IB – copies of Science lessons

Math – copies of FinishLine books and Module 5

There are also a few crayons, a pencil and a glue stick to get you started!

There you have it – Congrats! You have organized your temporary school.

Now go wash your hands! And read this book! 😉 MC

Enjoy my favorite author – Robert Munsch