Catching up with the NEWS!

If you missed it…the third eaglet hatched right in view from the camera! I saw it LIVE! So exciting! Here is the video recording of it happening yesterday-

‘Eaglet award to first student to tell me which end is his/her head?

Second exciting NEWS:

Ms. Cullen’s class is still in second place behind Mrs. Culm’s class for MobyMax – get those minutes in- Pizza party for us if we can beat Mrs. Culm’s class! (Even if we don’t, I am SO Proud of you for being in second place in the WHOLE school!

pinterastudio / Pixabay

Third exciting news! You have 4 days off from school work! I’m not posting anything else until Tuesday morning but be ready…

SHOUT OUT TO:     Raein, Jayanna, Aziz and Khloe!

gibbysocks / Pixabay


OpenClipart-Vectors / Pixabay

Terrific Thursday is here! 4/8/2020

Today is C day which means you have art and I have a meeting!

Art today is: Drawing a dog or a unicorn
( from Easypeasyand

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and for some exercise today:

‘Today we will continue practicing main idea and details.

Remember to R.A.T.S.:

1. Restate the question

2. Answer the question

3. Provide 2 text details

4. Sum it up

Here are sentence starters for your detail sentences:

and here are sentence starters for your summary sentence. More work on conclusions next week!

  • In conclusion…
  • ‘To summarize…
  • It is now clear that…
  • ‘Now you can see…

This is the question…What is the main idea of this passage? Provide two text details to support your response.

and here is the passage (if you would like to mark the text, go ahead but it is not required)