Happy Monday Morning!

Gellinger / Pixabay

How are my kiddos this morning? More and more students of room 289 are finding us here  on the blog and learning how to access Clever at home.
That’s great!!!

We’re going to follow the school calendar so today is B day, which means we have Chinese as a special.

Tonight, President Trump said we are going to stay distanced from each other until at least April 30th, so we have to do our best to get better at this homeschool situation!

I learned how to put our math morning work on google forms so we will try to work on that today. Here is the link for you to get to the problems. Please try to complete all the questions. If you are stuck with a type of question, let me know and I will post a video about how to do it.


1. Complete math morning work  Math Morning Work

2. Reading: Logon to Clever. Spend 20 mins on Lexia Core5.

3. Math: Through Clever, spend at least 20 mins on the math tab. If you are given a quiz, please complete that today


4. Chinese: please go to Duolingo.com. You can set up a free account for Chinese. Don’t take the placement test, just click start with greetings. Spend 10-20 minutes on this today.


I will post this afternoon’s  Science  work at 2 pm.

Thanks ! 😉 MC


The Buffalo Zoo heard us?

They posted a video looking for signs of spring! Enjoy! We will complete some work on this topic on Monday.

Finding Signs of Spring

Spring has sprung and while many of you are stuck at home, you can still discover signs of nature changing in your own backyard! Follow Lisa around as she shows you some signs that spring is here and use the worksheets in the link to follow along at home! https://bit.ly/2WDFhXQ

Posted by The Buffalo Zoo on Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Our Second Fun Friday! 3/26/2020

Delayed to to technical issues!

I am so thankful for each and every one of you! I love being your teacher, even if we are going to school in a whole new way! I especially enjoy the messages, pictures and comments that you share with me.

It can be difficult, wonderful and even both to stay home with your family for this long! We are not used to living our lives this way. Sometimes, I get upset. Maybe you do to! The dogs bark too much! My kids don’t help with the dishes! I get tired of cooking dinner.

i found this short relaxation video that helps me. I thought it might help you too. Invite your family and try it:

And the fun for the day…


1st idea: find a deck of playing cards. Try playing:


PDPics / Pixabay

5 Fun Card Games



mac231 / PixabaySock Wars

2nd idea: If your house is like my house, there are always socks laying around….Here’s a game to use them:
For this game you will need 10-20 socks rolled up into balls:

  • Divide the room into two equal halves, and place the socks on the line in the middle (you could use masking tape to mark). Divide all the kids into two equal teams.
  • When the game starts, the object of the game is to get as many socks onto the other teams side of the room before time is up.
  • Team members must stay on their side of the room and toss the socks over to the other sides.
  • A team member cannot hold onto a sock for more than 10 seconds before having to throw it.
  • You could also add in beach balls of varying sizes with the socks, for variety.
AbsolutVision / Pixabay

3rd Idea

Of course – Paper Airplane Races! Follow this wiki to learn basic and advanced folding styles:

Paper Airplane Directions

Have a safe and fun weekend! 😉 MC

It’s a Terrific Thursday! March 26, 2020

It’s a D day! Time for gym:

(oops!, I made a mistake already! It’s supposed to be music today! Coming tomorrow – MUSIC!)

It’s also supposed to be a nice day in the morning so see if you can get your family to go for a walk!

Let’s get to the work of the day:

Reading and Science: I have created an assignment in Newsela on Clever. You will need to find the Newsela app in your clever directory. This link might work:


It is called Heredity. You can complete the tasks right in Newsela and your answers will be sent to me. Let me know if this technology is working – can you read the article? Can you respond?

Also, continue to spend 20 mins on your math tab in Mobymax today! If you are entered in our tournament – Good Luck to your team! You have until Tomorrow – Friday – to win!

😉 MC


Mobymax Team Game!


Mobymax logo
I started a team game on Mobymax with my students who have recently logged in to Mobymax. The computer will assign you to a team when you log in. This will be a test to see how team games work on Mobymax. Let me know what you think!

If you aren’t assigned to the game and want to be, just post a comment “add me please!” and I will get you in the game!